Still Life

In one of our practical lessons we learned some handy tricks on how to photograph glass. We started off by setting up a table with a soft box directly behind it. We then set the camera up on one of the studio tripods that was then pointing into the flash. After setting up the camera we then took our first meter reading. When we had the reading we had to close the aperture down by two more stops because we were shooting into the light.

This was the first shot that I took. It is correctly exposed and looks ok but you cant really see the glass very well.

20140306 Alphq Still life4979

To make the glass more visible there is a handy little trick. If you get two bits of black card and place them ether side of the glass object. The reflection on the glass will show the outline of the bottle or vase that you are photographing.

EmptyName 2

This is the setup that I had for my shoot. Also to get this affect i have placed the object on a sheet of glass this then gives it the mirrored effect hat is shown in the image above. To finish the image off you then take it into photoshop and crop the image so you can no longer see the black borders. You are then left with a long image like this.

EmptyName 2 1





Final still life

still life max 1


I decided to change the bottle that i was using in the first shoot. This was because i really liked the cut of the glass in this bottle. When i was photographing it i really liked the refraction of light that came from the bottom.

This was also the image that I used in my Interim Crit. I had some good feedback and I think that everyone liked the image. My peers said that they liked the chamfered edges and they loved the bit of light diffraction from the bottom of the bottle. Another thing that was said was about the color of the image. My peers said that they loved the monochromatic feel that the image had to it. Overall I think I had very positive feed back on this image but I don’t think I an going to carry on with this genre.